Social Media Roundup (101416)

Social Media Roundup (101416)

Mossberg: How Google's bold moves shake up the tech industry via @Verge — Joe Perfetti (@joeperfetti) October 6, 2016 I am not sure we are prepared for the hangover as the debt party winds down. — Joe Perfetti...
Social Media Roundup (100316)

Social Media Roundup (100316)

The fast and fleeting times of the BlackBerry via @WSJ — Joe Perfetti (@joeperfetti) September 29, 2016 Aetna is going to subsidize the Apple Watch as part of its employer insurance coverage. — Joe Perfetti...
Social Media Roundup (092316)

Social Media Roundup (092316)

Mckinsey study: Cellphones, Not Banks, May Be Key to Finance in the Developing World — Joe Perfetti (@joeperfetti) September 23, 2016 “Key Value Drivers: Spread, Growth and Sustainability” by @joeperfetti on...
Social Media Roundup (090216)

Social Media Roundup (090216)

Be sure to follow Joe (@joeperfetti) and Madeline (@MadelineBoyer) on Twitter. 98 Data Points that advertisers can use to target ads to you on Facebook. Remember these when you enter tour data. — Joe Perfetti (@joeperfetti) August 26, 2016...
Social Media Roundup (081916)

Social Media Roundup (081916)

Here is some of what Joe (@joeperfetti) and Madeline (@MadelineBoyer) have been responding to on Twitter. Hiring for diversity just to “check the box” isn’t enough. — Madeline Boyer (@MadelineBoyer) August 10, 2016 Aetna pulls...